Corporate Jungle – Eye of the Tiger

Tigers roam the jungle with acute senses and sharp eyesight. Swiftly, stealthily and stunningly they pounce on their prey. The mighty beast embodies power. Tigers are high energy, determined, persistent and natural leaders who reign above the animal kingdom’s dominance hierarchy.
In the corporate jungle, the Tigers are the individuals who once they make up their mind they are all in. Congruent in their actions, passionate about their work and persistent in their pursuit. These are the people who make goals and do not stop until they are achieved. In other words, fitting for a tiger, the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Tigers captivate others with their great stateliness and confidence, they always impress people with an image of power and authority.
They chose the proper moments to be frank in personality while always remaining just, fair, congruent and committed in their actions. Actions speak louder than words and this empowers, uplifts and builds trust to all those around them to follow suit.
Speaking of suit, put on your LGFG garments and be a tiger.