Monochrome Mode: ON
We really love the brave men who are not afraid to play with different fashion styles and of course colors! Yes – wear this funky pink shirt with your blue suit, let your socks with colorful stripes and spots peep out during your serious business meeting and you should totally surprise your loved one (and maybe even yourself) by wearing that ultra chic colorful patterned butterfly tie during some magical evening. But sometimes we all have the feeling that nah – this is not the day and time to embrace the pinks and yellows in our lives. Then we both – men and women look for something a bit more laid back. We look to monochrome.

But the thing about monochrome is that it is not boring at all. Monochrome is now viewed as trés chic (as the french love to say and they do know a lot about chic). So although it seems like a safe choice if you would prefer to go out looking “laid back”, the fact of the matter is, you won’t look anything of the sort.

Sleek and sophisticated monochrome is a simple way to make a serious statement. It is a big trend but it’s also not a trend- timeless classic it will always be in. Whatever color you choose, it’s all about mixing and matching a balance of tones. The key is to wear a lighter shade of the hue on the top or bottom, one that’s a bit muted so you simply don’t look like someone poured a bucket of paint over your body.

We suggest you try testing your monochrome look with black – it is easy to wear and combines with pretty much anything. It’s also extremely sophisticated, which makes it an excellent choice for the upcoming party season. Although you might consider it a little safe, it’s often ideal for work events or dress codes when you’re not entirely sure what’s appropriate.

Whatever your favorite shade is this season, we’ve got several options that fit the monochrome mould. For more information contact our clothiers: