What makes working at LGFG different from, say, working at a competitor…
What makes working at LGFG different from, say, working at a competitor…
Asked a candidate we were interviewing. I paused before answering because, frankly, it wasn’t going to be the answer she expected. That’s the next thing I said, too, “this won’t be the answer you are expecting.” What do people expect to hear when they ask that question?
I think this is the part where people expect a sell-job; doesn’t everyone who asks this question or some form of it? Well, truth is, I believe – as I hope everyone in our company believes- that we are unique and special: that our product, our service, and everything else is better than “what’s out there”- heck, if I didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t be here. But in more objective truth, that’s not what makes us unique; there are other terrific suit brands clients can buy, and I’ll be the first to say that their brand reputation is built on years of delivering on their word, just like us. No, it’s not the shiny widgets. What really makes a company unique is culture, but there’s a dilemma- you can’t communicate culture; one has to live it to understand it.
Going deeper into the root of that answer, the truth becomes apparent, in that culture is a by-product of principles. You will have exactly the kind of culture that your actions extrapolate into. So what makes LGFG unique to competitors? Why has LGFG grown so quickly and effectively, and continues to take the bespoke tailoring world by storm on 3 continents? It comes back the principles we practice – a simple reflection of our dedicated and principled leaders, and it flows down from there. Do we have the best product? We might think so. Do we have a unique level of service? We might think so. Do we have strong leadership? Only results
can decide that answer, so don’t ask our word for it, watch our actions and let those speak for themselves.